Geomarketing – how to make your CRM smarter

Is your CRM gradually turning into a bit of a white elephant? Faced with snowballing volumes of data, some companies are turning to location intelligence as the only process capable of providing a clear overview of the customer relationship.

At the moment, most CRM systems comprise countless fields and functions. Although that might seem like a good thing at first glance, cluttered dashboards can turn high-quality data into a muddled mess. As a result, the data ends up hindering decision-making. So, what if location intelligence could solve this issue?

Map-based decision-making

Did you know that 75% of all commercial information stored in a CRM system contains a geographical component? A client’s address, the location of a shop or a competitor’s shop, an itinerary for a sales route or region… all these factors can be plotted geospatially to improve the accuracy of client profiles, segmentation and prospecting.

When represented visually, location-based data offers marketing departments and sales teams the tools they need to understand the density and distribution of customers in a given area. This information is extremely useful when targeting advertising campaigns and drawing up sales forecasts in a particular region. A carefully designed geographical component perfectly complements deployment of a CRM system.

Opt for geomarketing-enabled CRM

What’s more, a CRM project represents a huge challenge for marketing departments: they don’t want to discourage users with overly complex configurations. And here’s the good news: maps also provide a practical solution here too. When time is of the essence, it is much easier to make informed decisions when geographical data is displayed. So, what are you waiting for?

>>> To find out more, please download our white paper: How to implement location analytics

Galigeo est un des leaders mondiaux de l'édition de logiciels géomarketing et géodécisonnels.